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8-Week USMLE STEP-1/COMP Crash Course

8-Week USMLE STEP-1/COMP Crash Course


About this course

During the 8-Week USMLE STEP-1/COMP Tutoring Course, you will receive Biweekly meetings with one of our trained tutors. You will not only be taught the material in a simplified, step-by-step approach but you will be taught how to study effectively and how to approach answering questions. We also manage your Anki deck and share a calendar with you to ensure you’re on the right track to success.


This Course Includes

-Biweekly Tutoring Sessions

-Custom Made, Easy to Follow Slides

-Complete Easy to Follow Study Calendar

-Anki Deck Management

-Frequent Check-Ins!


How many points should I expect to increase through this course?

Students typically see score increases ranging from between 40-80 points! This depends specifically on the student's coachability and their willingness to learn.

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Medical Board Exam Tutor

Professional Tutor

Performance Coach

K-12 Tutor


Each week there will be two tutoring sessions held via Zoom. Each session is 45 minutes long beginning with questions provided by the tutor, followed by content review. Outside of tutoring the student will be instructed on exactly which videos to watch, what questions to do, and the way to perform Anki. Students will also be taught how to best approach questions on medical board exams while being provided with helpful mnemonics and emotional support.


Our course begins with the first step for generating great user experiences: understanding what people do, think, say, and feel. In this module, you’ll learn how to keep an open mind while learning.

Total numbers of students in course